Cabinet DRAÏ, avocat aux barreaux de Paris, New York et Lyon. Avocat à la Cour Suprême des Etats-Unis
Cabinet DRAÏ, avocat aux barreaux de Paris, New York et Lyon. Avocat à la Cour Suprême des Etats-Unis
What are the legal rules that apply to commercial exchanges with foreign countries ? Which are the competent courts for litigations in the field of international business ? How to draft an international business contract ?
In the context of a globalized economy, the knowledge of the principles of international business law is a major aspect for businesses.
It is different from international private law by its objects and methods, and takes his basis for the major parts in the practices of international trade.
This Lex Mercatoria is often the reference for the resolution of international trade disputes.
However, there are some conventions ruling international commercial exchanges.
The main 3 are :
The originality of international business law is that the use of arbitration has become the ordinary mean of dispute resolution in the field of international trade. It allows the parties to avoid having to choose one national jurisdiction.
The legal regulation being very specific and in constant evolution, the treatment of those issues require the intervention of competent and specialized teams, due to new rules implemented.
Located in Paris, New York and Lyon, our law firm is able to ensure an optimal assistance in the field of international business law to companies. To that end, it relies on a qualified correspondents network in Europe and in the United States with a solid knowledge of the legal, economical and political context of each countries.
In order to ask for an appointment with our law firm, do not hesitate to fill out this form hereunder.
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