Cabinet DRAÏ, avocat aux barreaux de Paris, New York et Lyon. Avocat à la Cour Suprême des Etats-Unis
Cabinet DRAÏ, avocat aux barreaux de Paris, New York et Lyon. Avocat à la Cour Suprême des Etats-Unis
The incorporation or restructuring of a company, in France or abroad, raises many legal issues, which requires very often the intervention of experts in corporate law.
Our team is capable of intervening on complex topics regarding Company law and follows the legal evolution in this area.
We assist our clients for all the legal issues related to the functioning of a company. Our areas of interventions are the following :
Our firm is registered at New York, Paris and Lyon bar. It can appear in front of all those jurisdictions. Moreover, it relies on a partner network settled in many countries and specialized in business law.
The firm is therefore capable of helping clients in the understanding of foreign laws or European law within the European Union and to articulate them with national law.
The main area of intervention is the constitution of legal structures abroad and we offer tailor-made solutions to the issues related to international company law.
In order to ask for an appointment with our law firm, do not hesitate to fill out this form hereunder.
The firm will be in touch with you shortly.